On-site Studio

With end to end production services, all under one roof

BB Props Studio Map and Picture

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Studio Space

Studio Space at BB Props 1

Blank slate just twenty short minutes outside of NYC.

Studio Space at BB Props 2

More than 3,000 sq ft of shooting/stage space available for Filming, Photography, Theater Labs and more.

Loading Area

Roll-up Entrance of BB Props
Two large roll-up entrances for ease of load in and load out from private parking lot with ample space for crew and production vehicles.

BB Props In-house Equipment
Skip a trip and use our in-house equipment. We have most of the necessities available. Apple boxes, Carts, Folding Tables, Folding Chairs, Ladders, Pipe & Drape, Stingers, Wardrobe Racks and more.

Dressing Rooms

Adjacent to our studio is our dressing/hair and make up room.

Conference Room & Lobby Area

Floor Plans

Floor Plan of Sound Stage

Floor Plan for BB Props

Dressed Studio at BB Props

Contact Us

Our team has worked in all forms of live theater, motion pictures, television, advertising, trade shows and live events.

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